Sunday, April 8, 2007

24 hours in the Life of a Student Midwife

Wow. What an amazing experience Friday and Staurday were. I arrived at the hospital on Friday at 7:00am and left at Saturday morning at 8:00 am. I delivered a baby at 12:01 am and 6:39 am. I got one hour fo sleep inthe call room the entire time. I was with one of my favorite preceptors and even thought it was a prety long and drawn out evening it was an amazing learning experience with a sick baby and then a really big baby. I got to basically manage both patients all day/night long on my own and do the deliveries. Totally amazing. And exhausting. It's Sunday and I am still feeling like I need a nap. THe craziest part is that I can't think of anything else I'd rather do, and I can't wait to do it again...

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