Monday, December 17, 2007

Graduation Day

Graduation Day for the midwives at Georgetown is a busy one. We began the day with a Blessing of the Hands ceremony. This is a non-denominational service at which the midwife graduates are specifically honored and our hands blessed by other midwives. One of my very favorite preceptors did the honors with me. I say with because it is a priest that does the actual water dumping. There were a few poetry readings, and candles passed, some beautiful classical guitar music and just an overall feeling of amazement as we received our certificates of completion. One of the especially special things we did was to travel to a town outside of DC to get henna painted on our hands. There were just a few of us, and it was a very special time. My girls each got a hand done as well- so cute!

Then we moved over to the big auditorium where we sat hungrily on line waiting for our masters awards. This was done in conjunction with the other NP disciplines at Georgetown: Acute Care NP, Family NP, and Nurse Anesthesia. It was complete with trumpet fanfare. But no actual diplomas. Apparently they come out once a year, in the spring, so I will have to wait for that bad boy to hang on my wall.

It has all felt incredibly surreal up until this morning when I received my schedule for work! It looks like an extremely kind orientation. I can neither wait, nor believe it.

You can see pictures at

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