Thursday, March 27, 2008

Of puppies and privileges

So Millie did NOT leave out Barking 101. We set up the crate at night time in the downstairs bathroom for Guinness to sleep in. Everything we read said not to take the puppy out of the crate no matter how much she barked. (Yes, we were Ferberizing our dog.) First night: 45 minutes of barking. Second night: 1 hour of barking. Third night: an hour and 15 minutes of barking and an intervention. We brought the crate into our bedroom. She immediately calmed down and went to sleep. We've had no trouble since. She is becoming very happy to bark at Hattie and try and engage her in a duel. Hattie has none of it.

Bigger news that the puppy update: I have privileges!! That's right. I can officially see patients in the office, catch babies and write prescriptions. I can bill sometime next week. WOOHOO!!
Tomorrow is my first official L and D shift, even though it's only four hours. Good thoughts please, everyone.

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